


Services we offer to our Community

NADRA Services

At PWA we have a fully functional NADRA Setup, where you can access any standard NADRA Service, whether it’s a new NICOP or renewal of an existing ID. Now the applicants have the facility to book date and time of their choice according to their convenience without hassle of email or telephone call to the PWA. The applicants also have the facility to reschedule or cancel their appointments on the system. The idea behind this venture is to facilitate our community – not only in Slough but in a wider area.

Getting things done from Pakistan High Commission can be a challenging & daunting task, unfortunately there is so much bureaucracy involved. In order to facilitate our community and to save their time, at PWA we are offering thorough help & support on PHC matters, so our community can bypass the bureaucratic process and pursue the right channel to find the solutions to their problems. We ae are pursing the option to find more ways to work closely with PHC to help overseas Pakistanis.

PHC Services
Food Distribution

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause uncertainty around food security among underprivileged households. At PHC our Coronavirus Response Team has taken the initiative and kickstarted a relief food distribution campaign with the help & support of our generous donors. We have reached many families who were going through some of the roughest times but weren’t willing to ask for any support due to their self-respect. We are hoping to carry on with this campaign throughout the pandemic.

At PWA we have successfully initiated many community initiatives whether its raising awareness on any local or global issue or helping any particular section of our community. At PWA we hold a daily Food Dasterkhawan for elderly people at lunch time where they can interact with each other, enjoy complimentary food and offer prayer too. PWA always look for areas where we can contribute and help local community based our inclusion & diversity.

Community Initiatives
Legal Advice

At PWA we have some of the finest legal brains working with us on a voluntarily basis to help & support our community. If you have a situation, we are unsure of your legal rights or your legal standing, feel free to contact us and our team of legal experts will be happy to advice you. The law areas where we can provide you free advice are immigration, family law, domestic violence etc. In order to speak to our legal experts, please make sure you book an appointment.

Over the years, PWA has raised funds not for its own projects for the projects built around community. Raising funds for feeding elderly people and arranging food during Covid are few of our success stories. We are of course, eternally grateful to our generous donners who have always been there to help & support us.

Charitable Initiatives
Cultural Events

Arranging cultural events is the hallmark of PWA. We have successfully held many cultural events over the years. The range of events includes Pakistan Day Celebrations, Eid Milan Party, Meena Bazaar, Pothwari Poetry Events, Folks Music Festival etc. The idea behind these events is to bring a harmony and a sense of community among overseas Pakistan and to ensure our younger generations are remain in contact with their roots. We have some exciting events planned post ongoing pandemic.

Apart from our regular services, we do offer help, guidance & support on broad range of matters whether it’s to do with local councils, government bodies or financial institutions. Our Board Members bring with themselves wide range of knowledge of different fields & industries and they are always willing to share their expertise with our local community. Their services are available to anyone within our community and are totally complimentary.

Advice & Support